Why a Bagel Chain Turned to nsign.tv Digital Signage for New Menu Boards

The Bagel Factory showcases its new nsign.tv digital menu boards.
(Image credit: nsign.tv)

The Bagel Factory, the U.K. chain of convenience food outlets specializing in freshly baked and filled bagels, has digitized its stores with menu boards powered by the nsign.tv digital signage software platform.

“We were in search of a cost-effective and user-friendly menu signage solution that could be easily deployed and maintained across all our stores”, explained Abdul Mohamed, IT and digital business partner at The Bagel Factory. “We found nsign.tv incredibly user-friendly allowing us to easily maintain playlists and schedules”, he adds.

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nsign.tv powers The Bagel Factory’s menu boards offering a mix of static and dynamic content and allowing quick updates with centralized cloud management across all locations.

The Bagel Factory showcases its new nsign.tv digital menu boards.

(Image credit: nsign.tv)

With nsign.tv, the stores can manage the appearance of price adjustments, new menu additions, limited time offers, and more across store-wide menu board systems, the majority of which are iiyama 42 and 52 series with SoC (System-on-chip). The food chain can get very creative, produce more engaging visuals for customers, and in an easy way to manage, taking their marketing to powerful new levels.

“One of the standout benefits of nsign.tv is their exceptional support. They consistently exhibit a high level of responsiveness when addressing our queries and technical issues”, said Abdul. “Also worth to highlight are the enhanced planning capabilities of the platform by scheduling menu changes in advance rather than implementing them on the day."

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As part of the ongoing project, The Bagel Factory has adopted nsign.tv for the majority of their new store launches and are currently in the process of transitioning from their previous poster booking solution, showcasing their commitment to elevating customer engagement and streamline store operations.

“We are truly grateful to The Bagel Factory for choosing our digital signage platform to elevate their menu board experience”, commented Mónica Fernández, managing director at nsign.tv. “Digital signage in the QSR industry offers significant advantages, tailoring audience experiences, capturing attention, and ultimately boosting sales.”

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