TOA introduced a new line of digital mixer solutions, M-8080D Series. The 8x8 digital matrix mixer is a dedicated music, paging, discussion, and zone management solution for commercial audio. DSP functions include EQ, Compressor, Ducker, Priority Setting, and more.
Additionally, the lineup consists of optional remote control and input/output panels, extension ports, and remote microphone. Each product, specifically being the M-800RC Remote Audio Control Panel (available in black or white), M-800RCT Remote Audio Control Panel with Touch Display (available in black or white), M-802RC Remote Audio Control Panel with Audio Out (available in black or white), M-822IO Remote Audio Input Output Panel (available in black or white), M-804EX Extension Module 4 Ports, and M-800RM Remote Microphone, adds its own specific set of capabilities, creating a wide variety of solutions for a multitude of applications.