The What: tvONE has released new features to tvONE’s 4K multi-window processor, CORIOview. These enhancements include support for rotated displays, cloned outputs, EDID manager, and a new multi-user HTTPS SSL security interface.
The What Else: CORIOview now rotates outputs in portrait or landscape at 0°, 90°, 180°, or 270°, making it ideal for small control rooms or digital signage applications. Additionally, you can reduce kit and remove single points of failure with the new cloned output functionality on our dual output modules. Keep your information safe and secure with HTTPS SSL connectivity together with a real-time, RESTful API for effortless multi-user control. Custom EDIDs can now be easily uploaded and managed using a simple interface within CORIOgrapher, ensuring that whatever your source the content will be displayed correctly.
Up to eight windows can be displayed on screen in pre-set layouts, which can be selected from the front panel, CORIOgrapher control software, or a controller using tvONE’s real-time API. Layouts can also be user configured and stored for instant recall later.
The Bottom Line: CORIOview is an ultra-compact, 4K multi-window processor that can take inputs from up to eight separate sources for HDMI (4K or HD), DVI, 3G-SDI, HD-SDI, HDBaseT (4K or HD), and streaming video depending on the configuration of its modular design, and output them to HDMI (4K or HD), DVI, 3G-SDI, or HDBaseT (HD). This makes CORIOview a versatile product for a range of environments.