Along with the SCN Top 50 Systems Integrators 2024 list, we polled a selection of leading firms on current Pro AV talking points.
Is hiring and retaining talent still an issue for the Pro AV industry?
Dawn Cagliano, President, IVCi
In today’s competitive market for technical talent, integrators must take accountability for retention. The highest bidder may win the talent, but how will you keep them? We must challenge ourselves to create enriching environments that allow employees to thrive. Offering value is a mutual commitment. If we expect employees to maximize client’s ROI and create memorable experiences, we must do the same. Committing to employee development empowers employees to explore their curiosities. I also believe in giving back to the AV community. I recently became a mentor with an organization that supports women in AV, making a continuous effort to invest back into the future generations.
[Top Integrators 2024: Growing Markets]
Jeff Burns, Director of Human Resources, Verrex
The labor market, especially for technical talent, remains very tight. Talent retention has stabilized in 2024 since the “great resignation” trend subsided. Increased company-wide communication and a focus on employee relations remain essential for retaining talent.
Curtis Heath, President of Business Solutions, Guitar Center (GC Pro/AVDG)
Yes, there remains a shortage of qualified candidates. We're focused on retention with industry-leading compensation structures, and the industry needs to engage younger generations to ensure a strong future talent pipeline.
Andrea Nicholson, Chief Strategy Officer, American Sound
American Sound does see a shift in the Pro AV workforce as more focus is being applied to IT type roles versus traditional AV installation roles. As the market shifts, the competition increases to recruit, train, and retain top talent. Where many other integrators have shifted to outsourcing their field labor, American Sound believes in having dedicated technical teams per office and often per client. This creates an environment where our clients as well as our technical teams become invested in their partnership and delivering the highest quality outcomes.
Ashish Maru, Director of AV Technology, Red Thread
Yes, but not as bad as 2022. However, ongoing training and professional development is essential to make our existing teams proficient in the latest technologies and trends.
Jeff Stoebner, CEO, AVI Systems
Hiring and retaining talent is a significant challenge for the Pro AV industry. The demand for experienced professionals exceeds the supply in most markets across the country, putting a strain on companies' ability to scale and grow over time. It is imperative for companies to focus on employee development, career pathing, succession planning, and ensuring a positive employee experience. Our company growth demands new approaches to innovation, delivery, and support. Our industry struggles to attract young minds with fresh ideas (or perhaps those without bad habits).
AVI will place an emphasis on retaining top talent while providing opportunities for career advancement. This includes investing in internship programs and establishing clear career paths between positions. Additionally, offering unique benefits such as healthcare, ESOP, 401(k) matching, PTO, and remote work can have a positive impact. Investing in an experienced recruiting team with a strong, proactive talent acquisition strategy is also crucial to gaining a competitive advantage in attracting top talent in the industry.
Joe Gillis, VP of Sales, New Era Technology
Yes, talent acquisition and retention remain key challenges. We’re focusing on continuous education for our current team and development processes for newer employees. By investing in training and growth, we are better positioned to support our customers effectively.
[Top Integrators 2024: Biggest Challenges]
David Riberi, President and CEO, LightWerks
Yes, hiring and retaining skilled talent remains a challenge. With the rapid evolution of AV technologies, it’s essential to find individuals with technical expertise and a willingness to adapt and learn continuously. To address this, LightWerks focuses on fostering a supportive and growth-oriented culture, investing in training, and creating opportunities for employees to advance in their careers. We’re also actively seeking candidates with a passion for innovation, as they are often the most engaged and adaptable team members.