The Remote Learning Diaries: Adjusting to Entirely New Online Learning Schedules (EdTech Magazine)

"The sudden transition to online learning has been a bit of a roller coaster here at my university. On March 11th, what feels like years ago, every student at NC State received an email from our chancellor informing us that spring break would be extended an extra week, without raising alarm about the severity of COVID-19 and the impact it would have on our university. Surrounded by my friends at the time, it felt like a cause for celebration. But as the situation rapidly evolved over the coming days, and even hours, I quickly learned that it was anything but. "—Source: EdTech Magazine

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Adjusting to the new normal of COVID-19 has not been easy for institutions. Read this student perspective on the move to remote learning — it helps illuminate the experience of a learner whose courses are being redesigned in different ways in an attempt to offer continuity during the pandemic.