LG Expands ED-Tech Ambassador Initiatives

The new Google-certified LG CreateBoard in an elementary classroom.
(Image credit: LG Business Solutions)

LG Business Solutions is marking the first anniversary of its LG Educators ambassador program and exclusive LG Education Advisory Board by expanding its programs designed to meet the needs of educators seeking the best ways to use technology in their curriculum.

“Technology and curriculum increasingly go hand-in-hand in every school district, and our goal is to provide educators with the classroom solutions that best meet their needs for the long term,” said LG Business Solutions USA’s education director Victoria Sanville.

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The LG Educators initiative is a growing army of tech-savvy educators, with experience using LG technology, who show other teachers how to get the most out of modern ed-tech tools. This program gives education professionals platforms to share their best practices and ed-tech success stories with their peers in the education community.

Participants share innovative ways to use technology to improve learning outcomes with fellow educators across school districts spanning the country. Highlights of the program’s first year include the launch of the new LG Educators Training Program and introduction of the “LG Educator of the Month” social media highlight.

This program leverages the knowledge and experience of teachers, school technology professionals and thought leaders to “help make sure technologies being developed truly meet the needs of today’s dynamic learning environments,” Sanville explained.

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“Educators who use LG products are empowered to promote their experiences through LG’s social media channels, marketing materials and trade show participation, all of which helps innovative ideas and new education technology reach a much wider audience to improve learning outcomes,” she added.

Also building on the momentum of its first year, the LG Education Advisory Board is being expanded in 2024 to bring together the expertise of more school leaders from across the country, including superintendents, principals and chief information officers, to envision the future needs for technology within learning campuses.

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