After the big news that AtlasIED made an investment in German high-performance loudspeaker manufacturer, Aimline, the company has unveiled the first models of the AtlasIED Aimline Series Column Loudspeakers. The AtlasIED Aimline Series ALXD and ALXP were designed as digitally steerable and passive column array loudspeakers.
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Since its founding in 2015 in Warendorf, Germany, Aimline has launched a range of digitally steerable loudspeakers across six continents. The company focused on creating next-generation arrays, combining digital control with exceptional fidelity for various applications, including transportation hubs, houses of worship, education, museums, and courthouses. Additionally, the company developed models that incorporate Power of Ethernet (PoE).
Both loudspeakers address many of the challenges in today's installations. Modern facilities are more often designed for the eye rather than the ear, incorporating highly reflective surfaces such as glass, marble, and stone that create significant acoustical challenges. The digitally steerable ALXD column series loudspeakers address these challenges, resulting in optimal venue coverage and the best possible direct-to-reverberant ratio. The ALXD comprises seven models that feature state-of-the-art beam steering and Dante audio as standard. The series includes the ALXD 4, 8, 24, 32, 40, and 48 models, and each is aptly named based on the number of DSP channels/traducers included per model.
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The ALXP Series of passive column arrays are available in four models: The ALXP 4, 8, 12, and 16 models. The controlled dispersion of the ALXP series makes them ideal for acoustically challenging environments with the least possible architectural intrusion. The ALXD and ALXP Series can cascade vertically with the same model to build arrays in various lengths.