With the need for seamless collaboration dominating today’s hybrid workforce, flexibility is key. That’s why Intel designed the Intel Unite® solution with open architecture that allows clients to integrate with multiple UC and peripheral partners.
To David Buchholz, Global Director for Sales and Technical Enablement, Intel Unite, taking a big-picture approach is essential. “We work across an ecosystem of clients—Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, Chrome, Linux,” he said. “Whatever you compute on will work.”
Enhanced UC Experience
What separates the Intel Unite solution from other collaboration products is its open architecture and flexible footprint. It integrates with popular UC platforms — including Teams, Zoom, and Webex — not only bringing wireless presentation to the space, but also inviting outside users in.
When Dave said open stack, he was talking about compatibility with a variety of operating systems. When he said “flexibility of footprint”, he was talking about the variety of hardware options. OpenStack is a proprietary cloud computing project.
Open Ecosystem
Another way the Intel Unite solution is different from other platforms that offer wireless display and collaboration is shown by its open architecture, a growing ecosystem of off-the-shelf apps, and a publicly available SDK. “We give away the SDK with the full API stack,” Buchholz explained. “If Intel doesn't create it, you can create other pieces that will plug into Unite.” This flexibility lets users enhance their collaboration environment as needed, from room control to AI-enabled face tracking.
Ease of Use Is Front & Center
Driving Intel Unite is the mission to make “ease of use the center of story,” said Buchholz. Maintaining openness lets different stakeholders share ideas seamlessly, enriching the collaboration environment and aligning the product to the client’s daily needs.
“Whether it's remote work, remote learning, or other post-pandemic scenarios, we see that the collaboration stack needs to support what we call ‘inside out and outside in,” Buchholz said.
As more spaces go from the traditional conference room design to more open collaboration spaces, they're looking for stacks with the Intel Unite, as well as support for remote workers. The Intel Unite solution has the adaptability to address those needs.
Security First
Security has always been a primary concern within the world of collaboration. With BYOD, consumerization footprints, and trusted and non-trusted devices, system safeguarding is paramount. Intel’s longstanding commitment to enterprise-grade security will give AV professionals peace of mind. “We come from a security mindset,” Buchholz said. “We talk the talk because we all came from IT. We know what’s required, and all our communication stays on network. When we do video casting, it's all encrypted, endpoint to endpoint. We've designed Intel Unite from the inside out, with security as first in mind.”
For more information, visit intel.com/unite.