Installation Spotlight: 5 Things to Know about the College of Southern Nevada

A new Solid State Logic system powers the College of Southern Nevada.
(Image credit: Solid State Logic)

The College of Southern Nevada (CSN) has installed a Solid State Logic Duality Fuse SuperAnalogue console in the main control room at the Recording Studio Facilities at its North Las Vegas Campus. The 48-channel Duality Fuse, which came online for the 2023 fall semester, is being used to instruct students enrolled in the Audio Recording Technology Program at the college, which attracts more than 30,000 students annually to its three campuses in and around Las Vegas.

We asked John Jacobson, audio recording technology program coordinator,
College of Southern Nevada, the details of the installation. 

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Solid State Logic and College of Nevada: 5 Things to Know

SCN: How long did the project take from start to finish? 

John Jacobson: This project was to do a complete renovation and upgrade of the College of Southern Nevada (CSN) Recording Studio's main control room. [It was] about three months from first totally emptying the Recording Studio Control Room and having it refurbished, installing the new Solid State Logic (SSL) Duality Fuse 48-Channel console, and reinstalling all of the existing gear.

SCN: What was there before and why was change needed? 

JJ: A Solid State Logic (SSL) AWS 900 24-Channel console. We felt the need to upgrade to a model that was newer and had more channels and features.

[Out of Sight Sound]

SCN: Were there any challenges in the installation? If not, what made it so "easy?" 

JJ: Overall, the project went smoothly; it was planned out over many months between [me] and their audio technician Donnie Whitbeck. Support was provided by SSL regarding the Duality Fuse's wiring needs, and additional concerns were addressed by CSN facilities. The actual install of the Duality Fuse was done by SSL technician Ryan Clifford with assistance from myself, Donnie Whitbeck, and CSN students.

SCN: Why was the Duality Fuse selected? 

JJ: The Duality Fuse is the flagship SSL console and an industry standard, especially in high-end facilities. It was the only one that had the features desired and fit into the available budget. Additionally, its design is similar to the SSL AWS 900 previously used, so we felt the learning curve for both faculty and students would be shortened. 

SCN: What has been the response from the school/students? 

JJ: Fantastic! Its impressive performance and appearance have been embraced by everyone at the college, and students have had little difficulty in understanding the Duality's features.  

Want to find out more? Read the entire case study here

Wayne Cavadi
Senior Content Manager

Wayne Cavadi is the senior content manager of Systems Contractor News. Prior to taking a leap into the Pro AV industry, Wayne was a journalist and content lead for Turner Sports, covering the NCAA, PGA, and Major and Minor League Baseball. His work has been featured in a variety of national publications including Bleacher Report, Lindy's Magazine, and The Advocate. When not writing, he hosts the DII Nation Podcast, committed to furthering the stories and careers of NCAA Division II student-athletes. Follow his work on Twitter at @WayneCavadi_2 or the SCN mag Twitter page.