Adamson Enhances ArrayIntelligence with V1.2—Here's What You Should Know

The new Adamson software being showcased on a laptop.
(Image credit: Adamson)

Adamson has released ArrayIntelligence V1.2, the latest version of its loudspeaker design and control software. This update builds upon ArrayIntelligence V1.1, which launched in September 2023, by introducing a range of new features and enhancements designed to improve user experience and system performance.

“The new features included in this release are a direct result of the further development and continuous evaluation of our existing software by Adamson’s engineering team, while taking into account the valuable feedback we receive from our user base,” said Brian Fraser, head of product and technology at Adamson.

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ArrayIntelligence V1.1 introduced user-focused features like a streamlined interface, a revamped Global Assign feature, addition of more loudspeaker products, and an enhanced 3D dB SPL scale. The comprehensive bug fixes also greatly improved software stability and reliability.

So, what's in store with V1.2?

  • VGt Now Included: Adamson's  flagship line array, VGt, is now available in AI V1.2, allowing users to include it in simulations and evaluate the optimization feature. Pilot partners will be able to fully control their systems and utilize either Cardioid or Omnidirectional patterns, while also employing optimization
  • Sub Array Optimization: A new tool that simplifies the design and optimization of subwoofer arrays for superior sound coverage and impact. This feature allows users to automatically generate the optimal delay settings for a given horizontal subwoofer array deployment, based on a variety of user input.
  • Delta Time Simulation: A feature that allows for precise timing adjustments and simulations, enhancing the accuracy and coherence of sound systems. This tool integrates with the real-time monitoring introduced in V1.1, providing a comprehensive solution for timing and phase alignment.
  • Multiple Bug Fixes: Addressing and resolving various issues to provide a more stable and reliable user experience, ensuring that the software runs smoothly and efficiently.
  • Additional Features: The mutelock function and new buttons enable better touchscreen control. Inclinometer accuracy has been upgraded. Four 2D SPL curves can be stored and compared. A user sheet including global device count can be printed.

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