60 Ayrton Fixtures Upgrade Rig at nya studios

Thirty Ayrton Diablos and 30 Zonda 3 FX fixtures have been installed in an upgrade the rig in Los Angeles-based nya studios’ main room from conventional to moving lights. ACT Entertainment is the exclusive distributor of Ayrton lighting in North America.

Lighten Up, a lighting and AV services company in event production, was selected to lead the upgrade and selected Ayrton to light up the rigs. nya Studios encompasses 50,000 square feet of indoor space and an abundance of outdoor space with East and West campus facilities. This includes three sound stages and support spaces, an elevated and adaptable event space, a 77-person cinema, boardrooms, coffee bar, and lounge.

“The Main Room at the nya west campus had an existing rig with all conventional fixtures, so it was time for an upgrade,” said Brian Kim, VP, design and production at Lighten Up. “By installing compact Ayrton profile and wash fixtures, we ensure they’re able to tackle any event that utilizes the space.”

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Lighten Up has a deep knowledge of Ayrton fixtures and how they perform. The company owns a large complement of Ayrton lighting for its rental inventory, including Diablos, Perseos, Khamsins, Rivales, and Zonda 3 and 9 FX.

“We were one of the first big buyers of Diablos for the event industry and are still buying more,” Kim reported. “They are lightweight and very versatile, so they were the ideal choice for nya west’s rig. They also offer great color rendering and nice reproduction of white light for a good look on camera.”

“Since we have quite a history with Diablos, it was almost a no-brainer to choose them for nya west,” agreed Lighten Up project manager Hubert Tardif. “Diablos have worked great for us for years as good solid robust profiles and washes.”

On top of that foundation of reliability, “sometimes you want some extra sparkle,” explained Kim, “so we added a layer of Zonda 3 FX. The Diablos can provide texture or highlights while the Zondas are great for backlight and their built-in effects. Both fixtures also have the ability for really wide throws, which is essential for the space where the truss trims at 17 feet.”

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Nina Moayer-Lockett, president/CEO of nya studios, noted that the new fixtures “have really elevated the space. They are super sleek and clean and give a great feeling to the room.” Since the fixtures’ installation at the end of last year, she says they have been used for an array of celebrity events, galas, award shows and corporate summits.

“We support all the events there, and are very happy with the upgraded rig,” Kim noted. “We enjoy a very good relationship with ACT and look forward to getting the low-down on new gear. So, I’m sure there will be other Ayrton fixtures in our inventory soon.”

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