During a panel titled “Digital Environments as Today’s Scenic Design” at the LiveXperience Symposium, part of LDI 2019, experts gathered for a deep dive into the needs of today’s immersive designs. Here’s what they had to say:
Greg Christy, CEO, Brite Ideas
Audiences really become distracted these days. Everybody has that thing in the palm of their hand that’s pulling at them. Our clients are spending a lot of money to get a message across, and that’s diluted when they’re sucked into their devices. Create something that compels them to focus on the message at hand and excite, engage, and even allow them into receiving that message and being a part of what’s going on.
Jonathan Martin, Principal Designer, ShowTec
It’s important when we use these grand terms about design to understand who does what and how we do things from a different perspective. Our job is to execute on the vision of creative professionals. We want to find ways to surprise and delight audiences to make it worth their time, and in a visually exciting type of way.
Bart Kresa, Founder/Master Projection Designer, BARTKRESA Design
Now the whole world is shifting to the experience economy, and it’s a good fit for where we are with projection technology.
Gary Standard, President/CEO, WorldStage
We do not do the creative concepts—we solve how to get the creative concepts done. We look for new technology that is original and then [we look into] how we can use and apply it to solve client problems.
Jonathan Martin, Principal Designer, ShowTec
The art inspires the technology and the technology inspires the art. When we look at things through that lens, it offers us the opportunity to look at space completely outside of ours and drive a moment that’s unforgettable for an audience.