AVT Question: Please share insight into your company's roadmap for 2023.
Thought Leader: Rich Ventura, Vice President at Sony Professional Display Solutions
In 2023, Sony will focus on our core priorities: people, partnerships, products, and presentations— or as we call it, the Four Ps. People are the backbone of our organization and our public face to the community. They close deals, educate our community, support our customers, and ensure they remain loyal to Sony, while also helping create new relationships. Sony prioritizes employees’ health and well-being through flexible working arrangements, accommodating work/life balance initiatives and opportunities for career growth and development.
"We sought new avenues to communicate with our customers as ways of working shifted, and found panels and digital engagement to be an informative way to educate, motivate, and interact with users. —Rich Ventura, Vice President at Sony Professional Display Solutions
Partnerships are an integral part of our business. We recently designated ten charter members of our Professional AV Alliance Partner Network, which enables us not only to better serve our customers but to create more inclusive, user-friendly, and compatible solutions for Sony. We’ve been able to showcase these strategic hardware and software partners, and have their support during shows and events. We will do even more to highlight our collective strengths in 2023.
No business would be sustainable if it weren’t for its products and solutions. At Sony, we provide projectors, displays, cameras, microphones, and AI-enabled technologies to the pro AV market and pride ourselves on their purpose-built development, often sourced directly from customer input. But it’s not only the products and technology that have made Sony a market leader synonymous with excellence and innovation—it’s the support, partnership, and customer-centric focus that Sony offers its users.
Finally, presentations, thought leadership, and driving our voice within the industry through in-person, virtual, digital, and social platforms have seen a great response. We sought new avenues to communicate with our customers as ways of working shifted, and found panels and digital engagement to be an informative way to educate, motivate, and interact with users. It’s an area we’re passionate about and will continue to champion in 2023.