Why you should approach “fluidity” in mobile technology–because miracles can happen (eCampus News)

Why you should approach “fluidity” in mobile technology–because miracles can happen (eCampus News)

"In September 2012, while speaking at a global conference on educational transformation in Toronto, I predicted that I would witness two computational miracles in my lifetime. The first of these miracles had already occurred. Over the span of just 15 years, I had watched the power of a Cray Research Supercomputer be placed in the palm of a student’s hand via a smartphone. The second miracle, I said then, would come in the next few years: Student information systems (SISs) would be placed in the palms of all students’ hands, allowing them to personalize their educational experience and navigate their own pathways to success. "—Source: eCampus News

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The ubiquity of mobile devices is empowering learners in a big way, but the potential of these technologies also means that students expect their institutions to embrace the inherent flexibility of mobility. —Eduwire Editors