Rush Training for IT Support and Service: A Collaborative Approach (EDUCAUSE Review)

Rush Training for IT Support and Service: A Collaborative Approach (EDUCAUSE Review)
(Image credit: ThinkStock)

"In keeping with the rhythms of higher education's academic year, information centers may experience surges in IT support requests. To prepare employees for the significant workload increase during these surges, institutions can offer training to ensure that employees are prepared both technically and psychologically. Without such preparation, employees may be unable to provide satisfactory support to customers and may lack strategies to handle their stressful workloads."—Source: EDUCAUSE Review

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Want to make sure your campus IT team is fully prepared, both technically and psychologically, before they get hit with a surge of support requests when student needs ramp up? Read how targeted training helped Virginia Tech's IT team get ready to manage the fall rush. —Eduwire Editors