4 Ways Colleges Are Embracing Virtual Reality (EdTech Magazine)

4 Ways Colleges Are Embracing Virtual Reality (EdTech Magazine)

"As the price of virtual and augmented reality headsets continues to fall, the number of educational users will jump significantly, up to an estimated 15 million by 2025, according to a report from Goldman Sachs. VR applications, in particular, are expected to grow quickly in higher education. By 2021, 60 percent of U.S. higher education institutions will be using the technology to create simulations and immersive learning environments, according to Gartner."—Source: EdTech Magazine

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Sure, immersive learning opportunities abound with VR, but its use in higher ed extends well beyond that. Read how virtual reality can be used to train faculty, recruit students, and prepare learners for careers in the growing field of VR. —Eduwire Editors