3 best practices from VR implementation across departments (eCampus News)

3 best practices from VR implementation across departments (eCampus News)

"While many professors recognize virtual reality (VR) as an emerging classroom technology, some still struggle with how to incorporate it into their curriculum. There’s a default view that VR is only good for virtual field trips or in specific departments like computer science or media production. The truth is that VR is quite easy to produce and can be effective cross-discipline; it shouldn’t be pigeonholed as appropriate for only certain departments. VR is already being used for many real-world applications–hiring, training, marketing/sales, medical purposes, entertainment, and more–and is worth considering for many different university departments. "—Source: eCampus News

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VR isn’t just for virtual field trips. From historical reenactments and art-making to new models of marketing and “hands-on” training, this immersive technology is shaking up learning opportunities across disciplines and at high levels of instruction. —Eduwire Editors