On AI & AV 2024: Shure
Sean Bowman, Associate Vice President of North America Sales at Shure, shares insight and opinion on AI and the cloud's impact on Pro AV today and in the near future.
Sean Bowman, Associate Vice President of North America Sales at Shure, shares insight and opinion on AI and the cloud's impact on Pro AV today and in the near future.
Laura Madaio, Director of Marketing at Yamaha Unified Communications, shares insight and opinion on AI and the cloud's impact on Pro AV today and in the near future.
Nancy Knowlton, Chief Executive Officer at Nureva, shares insight and opinion on AI and the cloud's impact on Pro AV today and in the near future.
Rob Moodey, Manager of Strategic Partnerships at Matrox Video, shares insight and opinion on AI and the cloud's impact on Pro AV today and in the near future.
Dan Root, Global Strategic Alliance Lead of Barco ClickShare, shares insight and opinion on AI and the cloud's impact on Pro AV today and in the near future.
Chairman and CEO of QSC | Q-SYS, shares insight and opinion on AI and the cloud's impact on Pro AV today and in the near future.
Theresa Benson, Vice President of Product Management and Marketing at Mersive Technologies, shares insight and opinion on AI and the cloud's impact on Pro AV today and in the near future.
Amber Ward, Director of Marketing of Carousel Digital Signage, shares insight and opinion on AI and the cloud's impact on Pro AV today and in the near future.
Paul Harris, CEO at Aurora Multimedia, shares insight and opinion on AI and the cloud's impact on Pro AV today and in the near future.
Even on a small scale, A Morning in the Life of Cindy Davis was affected several times by one software upgrade.
Check out the AV Technology Manager’s Guide to AI & AV and The Cloud and learn how AI and the Cloud are poised to make this year the one that will transform the industry.
Whether you attended InfoComm 2024 or not, use this guide to learn about 65 manufacturer roadmaps and 75 new products you might have missed.
AV Technology's Cindy Davis cites that artificial intelligence (AI) and industry partnerships are poised to reshape the AV/IT industry in ways we can't yet comprehend.
Learn how PEP, a significant advancement for AV-over-IP security offers a comprehensive method for managing access to data and content streams within the IPMX framework.
QSC | Q-SYS Chairman and CEO, Joe Pham, said," We as an industry have an immense amount of data that is extremely valuable, not only in our AV systems and our AV platforms but in other platforms where we can really be a major player in terms of enhancing human connection and experience and outcomes."
Shen Milsom & Wilke's Jenn Steinhardt plans to stir conversations, break stigmas, unfold inspiration and new ideas, and provide some tools or frameworks to approach topics around networking, sustainability, and mental health.
Cindy Davis asked AVIXA's Rochelle Richardson, a relative newcomer to InfoComm, to share her perspectives.
HETMA co-founder Joe Way has more than a little bit to share about why higher ed AV professionals should spend some time at the HETMA booth during InfoComm.
Erin Maher-Moran doesn't get hangry at InfoComm, find out why.