- The new PVProHD-IW professional HD HQV image scaler will be shown at InfoComm with warping, rotation and edge blend for use in a virtually unlimited range of projection applications. Warping of any projector images can be performed for display onto many surfaces including extreme off-angle projection, curved screens and unusual or non-geometric shapes. The product is seamlessly set-up from a standard laptop or PC. PVProHD-IW intuitively recalculates warp parameters as required to suit input resolution changes, aspect ratio, height, width and overscan adjustments without the need to load a separate warp map for each input configuration.
The blending of multiple projectors is performed using Calibre’s proprietary algorithms which allow precise control of blend S-curve, gamma and blend region width and can work with 1, 2, 3 or 4 blend regions per projector.
Black level correction is also provided with independent control of up to nine regions with 10-bit adjustment of granularity. Importantly blend processing is 16-bit accurate for de-gamma, blend, black level correction and re-gamma to ensure crisp, clean images without introduction of black level noise or greyscale banding