- Southern California Sound Image (SI) has attained Level 2 Hearing Loop integration certification from Listen Technologies Corporation.
- Hearing loss affects 17 percent of the adult US population, a number that is increasing as the population ages. As of March 15, 2012 all newly constructed or altered State and local government facilities must comply with the 2010 ADA Standards for Assistive Listening Systems.
- In each assembly area, where audible communication is integral to the use of the space, an Assistive Listening System (ALS) shall be provided.
- Assembly areas include classrooms, lecture halls, courtrooms, public meeting rooms, legislative chambers, motion picture houses, auditoria, theaters, playhouses, dinner theaters, concert halls, performing arts centers, amphitheaters, arenas, stadiums, grandstands, and convention centers.
- While crude Hearing Loop technology has existed for many decades, there is new technology, new configurations, and a renewed national effort to encourage and promote the installation and use of loop systems.
- Hearing Loop solutions offer individuals with hearing loss the opportunity to experience audio interactions in most settings. Users can enjoy a discreet listening experience without background noise, competing sounds, reverberation, and other acoustic distortions that reduce sound clarity.
- Hearing Loop technology uses a magnetic field to wirelessly transmit audio to a person’s ears, using either a "T-Coil equipped" hearing aid with a built in “T” switch, or a Hearing Loop receiver with earphones.
- There are now six different loop configurations or layouts that can be applied using today’s modern technology. Each is engineered to comply with the unique needs and applications of various venues.
- There are international performance standards to ensure that those who have a T-Coil hearing aid get a consistent quality of service, regardless of the venue. For this reason, equipment manufacturers and certified systems integrators have a vested interest in maintaining the objectives set forth in the IEC60118-4 standard.
- Hearing Loop technology allows for discreet user experience. Individuals do not have to ask anyone to receive equipment nor help, they only need to switch their hearing aids to the ‘T’ position to hear clearly within a looped room or venue.
- It has transient environment applications where it can support those with a hearing loss at ticket counters, drive-thru windows, train stations, bus stations, airport terminals, or anywhere where other ALS systems are not practical.
- This Hearing Loop technology requires lower investment in receivers to be purchased, managed, and maintained.
- Hearing Loop systems don’t exist in a carton or on a warehouse shelf, but only when carefully designed, installed, and certified for proper operation.
Sound Image can support customers with design, consultation, installation, and training to ensure that the highest quality solution is delivered to meet the needs of their particular application.
SI’s certified loop specialist is Michael Fay. He can answer any questions regarding Listen Hearing Loop systems. Contact info: mfay@sound-image.com - 760-737-3900 x2121.