Having completed a management buyout, one may think that UK digital mixing console manufacturer, DiGiCo, would be quite happy to sit back and reflect upon its recent achievements. However, not a company prone to complacency, it is consolidating its success and moving on to the next phase in its growth, a journey it is choosing to make with Mick Anderson Consulting.
Mick Anderson explains how the association with DiGiCo came into being. "It's a story from a while ago that puts DiGiCo's MD, James Gordon, and myself in a car park in the middle of Europe discussing the meaning of life," smiles Anderson.
That was the best part of 14 years ago, but the pair clicked and Anderson has kept in touch with Gordon since that time. Although it has taken until the early part of this year to formalise the arrangement, Anderson has, from time to time, offered some pieces of sage advice.
"Four years ago, I made an introduction – purely out of friendship – to a set of individuals I thought would benefit DiGiCo's long-term goals," says Anderson.
"The introduction was to Group Technologies and it certainly has benefitted us," adds Gordon. "They're passionate about what they do and they take care of their customers - I think the results in Australia speak for themselves. From that, it became obvious that Mick had contacts in the market that we didn't necessarily have, plus a wealth of knowledge of different regions, which is something that, as we grow the business, we know we need."