BUENA PARK, CA--The Yamaha Commercial Audio Training Seminars (YCATS) group will hold its two-day Digital Sound Reinforcement (DSR) 101 class on Tuesday and Wednesday, May 5 and 6 in Nashville. Sponsored in part by Shure Microphones, the class provides complete audio system design and networking solutions and will focus on set up techniques ranging from microphones to large-scale speakers. Topics include: gain construction, attenuator settings, and SPL estimation.
Yamaha DSR101 course components include fundamental concepts: dBSPL, dBu. dBV, calculations, and level management; cables for various signal formats, word clock distribution; microphone techniques: microphone characteristics, how to select a microphone, digital technology; wireless technology: how to maximize the benefits of wireless systems and managing frequencies; digital vs. analog systems; speakers and processors: designing output systems and level management for system protection.
In addition, NEXO product managers will provide an in-depth demonstration of NEXO speakers including the new GEO S12 Line Array Series, and PS and Alpha E speakers.
The two-day course is designed to assist audio engineers, system designers, system techs, audio operators in houses of worship, live sound venue/tour engineers, obtain a better understanding of available solutions.
In order to maximize the Digital SR System 101 training seminar and NEXO demo experience, attendance for the seminar is limited. There is no cost for attending and breakfast and lunch will provided. Travel and accommodations are the responsibility of the attendee.
To attend, you must reserve your spot in advance at www.yamaha.com/ycats/schedule_0809.asp or by visiting the YCATS blog at www.trainersontheroad.blogspot.com. The location and class time will be provided upon registering on line.