The What: StrandVision Digital Signage has announced a digital signage utility that enables electronic sign administrators to monitor the status of their StrandVision Digital Signage networks via a desktop PC or a smart phone from anywhere and at any time.
The What Else: The new notification utility employs familiar stoplight icons to indicate overall and individual digital media player status. Green signals normal operations; Yellow indicates a potential problem that usually has not yet affected signage operation; Red indicates a communication or player issue that has put the digital media player in automatic recovery mode while it waits for updates.
The free smart phone monitoring utility is helpful for administrators of multiple digital signage networks. In that case, the top level stoplight indicates if there is an issue with any player in the system. Administrators are then able to drill down through the individual networks to zero in on the specific digital signage player at issue. Specific details for any electronic sign player can be seen by clicking on the appropriate stoplight.
This new capability supplements StrandVision’s automatic email notification system that sends status notifications to administrators and/or designated technical staff.
Why This Matters: “StrandVision Digital Signage’s patented delivery system is solid but occasionally there are Internet or in-building distribution, power or media player issues,” said Mike Strand StrandVision founder and CEO. “This new electronic sign dashboard provides an instant snapshot of any digital media player that may be powered down or has rebooted due to a Microsoft update. Our smart phone utility lets administrators keep an eye on things to immediately address the situation and confirm the recovery results.”