At the 2011 AHECTA Conference, Haivision will highlight the latest Makito Decoder, an H.264 decoder that supports video up to 1080p60. When paired with the Makito HD H.264 encoder, the system provides low-latency decoding and delivery of HD video via HD-SDI or HDMI output. The decoder shares the space-saving, mini-blade form factor and low power requirements of the Makito encoder.
Haivision will also showcase the latest ZiXi ready Makito HD video encoder, which reduces HD transmission costs. Haivision's Makito is an ultra-compact, low-power, easy-to-set-up-and-deploy appliance that can be ordered with ZiXi ready capabilities.
The Makito encoding system delivers low-latency, full-frame-rate H.264 encoding of HD video up to 1080p60, or computer graphics resolutions up to 1280x1024 75Hz (SXGA). The Makito incorporates HiLo-Streaming, the ability to encode once and emit both high- and low-bandwidth streams simultaneously, and MultiStreaming — the ability to send streams with different IP encapsulation to different destinations. When integrated with the Furnace IP video system, the Makito distributes 100 percent secure and robust video.
Haivision will also demonstrate Furnace 6.0, including multiStream recording and advanced publishing. This sixth revision of the Furnace IP video system adds advanced recording and publishing features to enable clients to capture and distribute synchronized multistream video content.