Volicon will be hosting three live webinars designed to help broadcasters address two critical business issues: loudness compliance and ratings assurance.
On March 7 at 9 a.m. EST, Volicon vice president of product management Andrew Sachs will present "What Is Loudness? Navigating the Compliance Requirements of Loudness Monitoring."
The webinar will define loudness, provide a primer on today's compliance mandates with a focus on commercial loudness being mandated through the EBU PLOUD (R128: Tech 3341/2/3), describe what loudness monitoring entails, and explain how to prove compliance. This webinar will be tailored to EMEA audiences.
At 1 p.m. EST on March 7, Sachs will present "Act CALM and Carry On!" This webinar offers similar information on loudness, regulation, and compliance, but with a specific focus on the commercial loudness being legislated through the CALM Act and ATSC A/85. This webinar will be tailored to North and South American audiences.
On March 8 at 11 a.m. EST, Sachs will conclude the series with "Are You Getting the Ratings You Deserve?" The encoding of television signals is critical to audience measurement in a digital environment, and in this live webinar Sachs will discuss implementation of affordable logging of Nielsen Audio Video Encoder (NAVE) IDs (SIDs) along with broadcast content for effective troubleshooting, as well as cost-effective monitoring of video service provider (VSP) return feeds.
To register for these free webinars, please click the appropriate links.