- Learn directly from those in the know at product- and service-specific trainings from InfoComm exhibitors including Anoto, Atlas Sound, Aviom, BidMagic, Blonder Tongue, Chief Manufacturing, ClearOne, Community Professional Loudspeakers, Contemporary Research, Crestron, Da-Lite Screen Company, Draper, D-Tools, HaiVision Systems, Kramer Electronics, Lightware Visual Engineering, Peerless Industries, Polycom, Stewart Filmscreen, TANDBERG and more.
- Spend only $25 on Manufacturers’ Training sessions, and get $25 back to spend at the InfoComm Show Store! The store is packed with useful items you can buy only at InfoComm, including AV-relevant books, market surveys, hats, shirts and much more. You can pick up your gift certificate after you attend the session.
- To register for sessions, please visit www.infocommshow.org.