- BUENA PARK, CA─Back by popular demand, and beginning in January 2009, Yamaha Commercial Audio Training Seminars (YCATS) will offer Digital Sound Reinforcement 101 (DSR101) as part of the course selection now offered throughout the year both regionally and at the Buena Park, CA headquarters. The two-day class, which was instituted about two years ago, will provide complete audio system design and networking solutions. Sponsored in part by Shure Microphones, the seminar will focus on set up techniques ranging from microphones to large scale speakers. Topics include: gain construction, attenuator settings, SPL estimation, spec analysis, using Yamaha Commercial Audio Systems, NEXO and Shure products.
- “We were unable to include the DSR101 class on a regular basis to our training schedule due to an enormous response to add more digital console training seminars, and now the timing is right to re-introduce the class as we launch the new SB168-ES Stage Box,” states Jose Perez, Yamaha Commercial Audio systems training manager. “The two-day course is designed to assist audio engineers, system designers, system techs, audio operators in houses of worship, and contractors to obtain a better understanding of available solutions.”
- Course components include fundamental concepts: dBSPL, dBu. dBV, calculations, and level management; cables for various signal formats, word clock distribution; microphone techniques: microphone characteristics, how to select a microphone, digital technology; wireless technology: how to maximize the benefits of wireless systems and managing frequencies; digital vs. analog systems; speakers and processors: designing output systems and level management for system protection.
- Dates, locations and applications are posted two to three months prior to actual seminar dates so those interested in attending the seminars should periodically visit the YCATS Training Web site at http://www.yamaha.com/ycats/schedule_0809.asp or the YCATS blog: www.trainersontheroad.blogspot.com.