Matrox Graphics Inc. will be at Integrated Systems Europe 2018 (Stand #11-D120) demonstrating the "ease with which any data source can be seamlessly captured, streamed, recorded, extended, displayed, and controlled on standard 1 GigE networks," according to the company. Matrox Maevex 6100 Series quad 4K enterprise encoders, Mura IPX video wall 4K capture and IP encoder/decoder cards, Extio 3 IP KVM extenders, and Monarch streaming and recording appliances will be the centerpiece showcases for Matrox at the event.
Control Room Collaboration over IP
Maevex 6150 quad 4K enterprise encoder appliances, Mura IPX video wall cards, and Extio 3 IP KVM extenders will serve as building blocks to replicate a complete, IP-centric control room. All data from all the host systems and operator displays will serve as IP sources which will be shared freely between multiple operators, between operators and video wall, and even between multiple video walls—all on a 1 Gigabit Ethernet infrastructure.
Multi-Channel 4K Streaming & Recording
Maevex 6100 and 5100 Series encoders will drive flexible, networked enterprise and digital signage communications on platforms capable of delivering multi-4K and multi-HD to both on-premises and over the LAN, while also recording to local or network storage—all simultaneously.
IP KVM Extension & Switching
Extio 3 IP KVM extenders will demonstrate its IP KVM extension, real-time switching with 4Kp60 4:4:4 UHD and quad 1080p60 4:4:4 capabilities over standard Gigabit Ethernet.