- Insight Media has been named an official InfoComm International Renewal Unit Provider. This will allow the more than 9,000 professionals holding InfoComm International's Certified Technology Specialist credential to earn renewal units towards their certification by attending the upcoming Display Summit event taking place on June 15 and 16 just prior to the opening of the InfoComm trade show floor.
To obtain approval, RU programs must feature experienced instructors with clear evidence of qualifications in the session topic. Each class must contain at least one relevant learning objective or industry-related purpose; relate to a specific topic area. These criteria are vigorously reviewed by InfoComm University's Certification Renewal Unit Committee.
The following programs can be completed for RUs:
Display Summit 2015 - a two day conference and demo focused on exploring the latest technologies from content creation through image processing and distribution to the display. Attending the full two-day program provides 12 RU credits.