The What: At InfoComm 2015, Harman’s Crown Audio showcased the expanded DriveCore Install (DCi) Series amplifier range featuring the DCi Network Display 8|600ND and 4|1250ND power amplifiers, featuring front-panel status displays and AVB (Audio Video Bridging) connectivity. The eight- and four-channel DCi Network Display amplifiers are the first professional audio amplifier to be certified by the AVnu Alliance. The What Else: Both DCi Network Display amplifiers feature a front-panel display and LED indicators that provide at-a-glance indication of key parameters. A large multifunction knob and push buttons enable instant access to control functions. The amplifiers are compatible with HARMAN’s HiQnet Audio Architect system setup and control software and utilize TCP/IP-based protocol in HiQnet for network monitoring and control.
The What Else: The eight-channel DCi 8|600ND delivers 600W into 8 ohms (300, 600, and 300W into 16, 4, and 2 ohms) and the four-channel DCi 4|1250ND provides 1250W into 8, 4, or 2 ohms (625W into 16 ohms). Both amplifiers offer direct drive “constant voltage” capabilities for 70Vrms and 100Vrms amplification without the need for a step-up transformer, yielding higher audio quality in distributed audio applications with power outputs of 1250W and 600W respectively.
Like all Crown DCi Series amplifiers, the DCi 8|600ND and DCi 4|1250ND utilize HARMAN’s proprietary DriveCore amplifier IC chip for powerful, highly efficient operation from a compact form factor measuring just 2 RU high.