- CorpComm Expo announced that Kristin Kelley, Director of Employee Communications for Darden Restaurants and Emily Clark, Employee Communications Manager for Darden Restaurants, will co-present a general conference seminar on Thursday, Oct. 1 from 1 to 2 p.m. at CCE’s inaugural educational conference which will take place from Sept. 30 to Oct. 1, 2015, at the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta.
Kristin Kelley, Director of Employee Communications for Darden Restaurants (left) and Emily Clark, Employee Communications Manager for Darden Restaurants (right)Kelley and Clark’s general conference session, entitled “Inspiring Success Through Storytelling,” will highlight Darden’s strategic story mapping process, themes and deployment strategy including examples of employee-generated content and other stories that position the company’s employees and guests as everyday heroes. In addition to hearing about Darden’s approach to training as a way to drive operations, attendees will learn:
•How employee communication plays a critical role in enhancing culture and driving performance through storytelling, which helps build employee advocacy and engagement.
•Why no single story will ever give an accurate picture of an organization, but how patterns and themes over time work to shape an organization’s reputation, culture and loyalty from employees and guests.
•Why storytelling is an important way to engage millennial employees.
Nancy Judy, Vice President of Corporate Communications for Sodexo, Inc. who serves on the CCE Advisory Board, said, “Innovative communication techniques drive employee engagement. We are looking forward to CorpComm Expo to find new ways improve performance and build internal awareness of the exciting opportunities at Sodexo.”
CorpComm Expo to showcase corporate technologies
CorpComm Expo is produced by Exponation LLC, and is dedicated to technology that specifically serves the needs of corporate professionals.