Capitol Sales Company Achieves Record-High Revenue Growth

  • ST. PAUL, MN--Capitol Sales Company continues to drive strong double-digit growth in spite of the challenging U.S. economic forecast. During the month of October, Capitol Sales witnessed a company-wide record for the highest monthly revenue in its 32-year history.
  • “Our dealers are paying attention to the economic environment like everyone is,” said Curt Hayes, president and CFO. “But they are being smart and strategic about how they place orders and how they maximize all that we offer them as a distribution partner. One of our strong focus areas is to build even stronger relationships with our key vendors. That allows us the opportunity to take advantage of special purchase arrangements available on behalf of our dealers. Every day, we evaluate the best deals to offer our partners.”
  • Capitol Sales focuses its business on a core set of values that includes new and better ways to support dealers, with the Capitol Sales team providing a strategic advantage. “We’ve always said our business is about our people—they make the difference,” said Hayes. “Our technical sales staff focuses on providing both pre- and post-sales support, project design, integration and support of multi-brand systems. That expertise is highly valued and greatly appreciated by our dealers, and it reflects the record-setting success we are so pleased about.”
  • Capitol Sales Company partners with system integrators and low-voltage installers as an emerging technology distributor. We offer solutions from over 125 leading manufacturers in home theater, telephone systems, integrated home systems and commercial AV. Installers nationwide depend on our multi-branded system design, expert technical support and application-based education. Visit to research and order over 5,000 products and access Knowledge Base, an on-line resource featuring useful manufacturers’ diagrams, charts, formulas and configurators.

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