CEC Offers Fire Simulation Training for Businesses

Systems and technology integrator CEC is now offering indoor fire safety and extinguisher simulation training, combined with in-person training from CEC’s experienced extinguisher professionals, without involving live fire in open outdoor areas.

  • Utilizing a 65-inch by 40-inch screen, interactive fire simulations challenge participants by displaying realistic scenes of an organization’s actual equipment and workplace in flames. Factors such as fuel flammability and extinguishing agent effectiveness can be adjusted to modify the complexity of the simulated fire emergency, providing a new experience every time.

If a fire extinguisher is used incorrectly, a fire can actually be made worse. By properly training employees, business owners and managers can avoid potential problems that may occur during a real fire emergency – and maintain compliance with national fire safety code, which states that fire extinguisher training must be provided.

“This training will be a huge asset to business professionals, including those in healthcare, who want to prepare their organizations to handle fire emergencies,” said Amy Cot, life safety systems account executive for CEC. “The Joint Commission and CMS require hospital staff to be educated on fire incidents. OSHA prohibits employees from using fire extinguishers unless they’ve been trained, and organizations are required to provide training when employees are hired and annually thereafter.”

During this training, participants gain a solid understanding of how a fire works, along with the types of fire extinguishers available. They will also benefit from hands-on practice of safe, effective use of portable extinguishers. CEC’s fire simulation training also allows each participant’s results to be documented for liability and record-keeping purposes.

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