Amarillo, TX - Norris A/V recently completed a corporate boardroom wireless microphone installation with style, security and sound quality in mind. Norris A/V president Mike Norris described why he chose solutions from EV and Telex for a common corporate concern - keeping confidential conversations confidential.
"The installation is at the corporate offices of an Amarillo-based wholesaler of electric power," said Norris. "They asked for a wireless boardroom system that would also be secure against eavesdropping."
Norris installed 21 channels of Telex SAFE-1000 encrypted wireless, with SAFE-WT bodypack transmitters for 18 free standing EV Polar Choice Satellite (12-inch gooseneck) wireless microphones and two Telex ELM-33S unidirectional lapel mics, along with one Telex SAFE-HD handheld transmitter with an EV 767a NDYM head.